A website and blog written by an adult woman in eating disorder recovery.

Eating Disorder Recovery


Thoughts on and Experiences of

Eating Disorder Recovery

…as an Adult

A row of donuts


I’m Recovering Nomad (aka Helly Barnes), a woman with a history of an eating disorder and recovery as an adult.

I know what it is like to live with an eating disorder as an adult because I have been there.
I had a restrictive eating disorder with compulsive exercise for 13 years before embarking on this recovery journey.  
I was told I would never recover.
They were wrong!

This website contains blog posts written a few years ago about my experiences of and thoughts on eating disorders, recovery, a bit of neuroscience and more as I was going through the messy process of overcoming a restrictive eating disorder.

You will find me now on where I continue to write a blog and produce a podcast about eating disorders.

I have also just published two books,

Addicted to Energy Deficit – A Neuroscience Based Guide to Restrictive Eating Disorders.

Aiming for Overshoot – The Handbook You Need to Fully Overcome a Restrictive Eating Disorder

A row of donuts

My Most Recent Blog Ramblings….


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I am now working as a professional coach for people in recovery from eating disorders or disordered eating.

Find out more:


I have a podcast series for people in eating disorder recovery, providing very regular bite size episodes with some inspiration, information and a bit of neuroscience related to all things recovery!

Please check it out on any mainstream podcast provider.